AAFAF - Autoridad de Asesoría Financiera y Agencia Fiscal de Puerto Rico

AAFAF Launches Institute for Professional Training and Public Economic Governance

Will train public workers to boost fiscal responsibility and transparency


The executive director of the Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF, by its Spanish acronym), Omar J. Marrero, announced the creation of the Institute for Professional Training and Public Economic Governance for professionals and human resources of the Government of Puerto Rico.


The Institute responds to the need to develop and train government human resources on fiscal, economic and governance matters.


The Institute will help establish a progressive government leadership focused on excellence, performance, transparency, and fiscal responsibility. To this end, the Institute will design training curriculums and coordinate offerings such as seminars, trainings, conferences, visits and activities for participants on responsible management practices, planning and execution of fiscal and economic projects.


“I am pleased that AAFAF will be now a learning instrument to help shape better professionals and human resources through the training programs the Institute will coordinate. At AAFAF, we want to develop professionals and human resources of excellence that contribute to a government administration where transparency, performance, sensibility, and fiscal responsibility dominate,” stated Marrero while emphasizing that this initiative forms part of Gov. Pedro R. Pierluisi’s public policy of transforming public service into one of excellence and execution.


Moreover, because of their similar purpose, AAFAF’s José M. Berrocal Summer Internship, for college students in Puerto Rico and the United States, is being integrated into the organizational structure of the Institute for Professional Training and Public Economic Governance.


AAFAF is the government entity responsible for the oversight, execution, and administration of the Certified Fiscal Plan, which includes ensuring that all the entities of the Government of Puerto Rico comply with said Fiscal Plan. Act 2-2017 confers upon AAFAF full authority and rights to carry out said purpose. To this end, AAFAF established the Institute to train all the groups called to participate in said processes and efforts.


Fuente: The Weekly Journal

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